
Among the various types of decorative art its originality is different root plastics - joint and amazing creativity of man and nature. All that is needed in it is to see in the curves of the roots of trees or shrubs, in their bizarre forms, the familiar outlines of figures of animals, people or objects, to highlight and strengthen the characteristic features of wood, to give a sculpture or Root Plastics Product finished look.

Root plastics as art

The unique images created by nature by human hands become real masterpieces. They are artists and creators, they can emphasize the uniqueness of wood, the nobility of texture and originality of the material. Sculptures, masks, furniture in technology root plastics can be made their own hands, for this you need to have a special flair, three-dimensional and figurative vision.


For products using different parts of the tree:

  • The roots of trees, the shape of which is determined by the breed and growing conditions. So, overcoming the numerous obstacles of stony sites, the roots become particularly bizarre.
  • Tree branches have many natural curves. A variety of decorative elements and statues look very harmonious.
  • The trunks of trees. Of particular interest for root plastics are forks and specimens with defects of growth and development. Very often used as supporting elements of large objects.
  • In work it is used a cap - a growth on roots or boughs. It is a set of lignified buds. It is appreciated by amateurs and professionals for the bizarre forms and complexity of the relief. Kap wood differs in texture and pattern from ordinary cambium.

Material for products undergoes cleaning and drying. Only after that the master starts to work. Usually used hardwood root plastic processing technologies does not require.

Root Plastics Products

Decor and furniture made in this technique will organically fit into the interior in the style of a chalet or country, ethnic style. Especially appropriate they will look in cedar log houses, this natural material from gigantic trees.


Made in the technique root plastic furniture devoid of sharp corners and chopped parts, however, like everything in nature. It is distinguished by graceful curves, expressiveness and uniqueness of forms. This is always the author and exclusive work. In such a technique is made furniture for the house, terraces and gazebos, for recreation areas, cedar baths houses on a personal plot or giving. Sometimes used for interior decoration root plastic masksin which the character of a person is transmitted through natural material.

Root plastics products are endowed with special energy. They carry the warmth of a living tree into the house and bring special comfort.