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Where does cedar grow? In Siberia, of course!

Cedar is a coniferous tree whose growing area is located only in Russia and only in Siberia. Botanical name - Siberian Pine (Pinus Sibirica). Please do not confuse with Pine (Pinus Silvestris) common throughout the world. These are two completely different and unlike wood species. Its name is KEDR, according to one of the legends the tree should be bestowed to Peter 1.

You can learn more about cedar from this short video.

Taiga cedar wood has long been popular with us in Siberia - torassivaya texture, pleasant yellowish-pink color and constantly distinguished delicate aroma, which heals and disinfects the air of a wooden house or bath built from it.

Medicinal properties of Siberian cedar

Siberian cedar is a tree-pharmacist. Many useful properties of cedar has long been used by man. For millennia, they faithfully serve man. A man transforms cedar nut, pitch, and even cedar needles into miraculous medicines.

Clean and curative air in wooden houses, due to the release of phytoncides cedar wood, which destroy pathogens in the air. In Siberia, we all know that in cedar forests there is practically no nasal infection, much less gadflies and gadflies.

Technological properties and application of Siberian cedar wood

Cedar wood has a straight, even and uniform texture., the practical absence of resin. These properties of Siberian cedar contribute to the processing of wood and is used by carpenters.

  • in the manufacture of furniture
  • Kitchen utensils, Milk and sour cream will not turn sour for a long time in cedar dishes
  • a covering board for baths and saunas
  • making carvings.

Wooden houses from Siberian cedar logs

Houses built of cedar logs have high thermal insulation properties, due to the low density of wood, and walls in cedar houses have good sound insulation. The team of the company Bear Log - good houses of cedar is ready to build for you wooden house or a log house and Baths houses  from a log cedar diameter up to 1 meter and up to 12 meters.

Cedar is considered the royal tree. Having a house built of cedar is prestigious! An old Russian proverb says:

In the birch forest to have fun, and in the cedar god to pray.

Wooden houses from the manufacturer - Bear log homes

Why the house from a cedar should be bought from the producer - in the company the Bear log!

We have several differences from other manufacturers of cedar log houses for the home and bath.

We have a large selection of logs for manufacrure of log cabins

We live and work in Siberia, where there is growing cedar and larch. Therefore, we have the opportunity to choose the best logs. This is especially noticeable during building.

  • houses in wild style;
  • with different lengths of ends;
  • at construction of houses on the Post & Beam technology;
  • where beams and posts with "species", pronounced butt end are required.
  • We can also prepare logs of non-standard length up to 12 meters.

Build cabin from large diameter logs from 50 cm.

Cedar houses builds a team of professionals

Over 7 years of fruitful work, we have formed wooden housing construction team. Architects and designers, scrapers and baits - every employee in the company Bear Log is a responsible and experienced worker, as well as a highly qualified specialist for which chopped cedar houses work everyday.

We got a lot of experience building more 70 buildings in various styles using various technologies.

We own all lognotching technologies.

The construction of houses made is according to standards.

With 2013, we actively apply the techniques and standards recommended by the International Association of Wooden Housing (ILBA).

From this time on 2015, we were subcontracted by Canadian company Pioneer Log Homes of BC, the world leader in wooden housing construction, which built a log house of Canadian cedar in Moscow with an area of ​​more than 5 000 m2 During 3, the year of collaboration with Pioneer Log Home, we thoroughly and in practice studied the technology of building houses for hand-cutting of a large area.

We provide a full cycle of construction of log houses from a log - from design to turnkey delivery!

Cedar log houses from the manufacturer. We have the most equipped platform for cutting log cabins in Russia

The area of ​​the logging site for the Bear Log Company is more than 5-hectares. The site is equipped with:

  • Two tower cranes with a reach of 45 m and 35 meters.
  • Two crane beams 18 meters wide and 42 length each meter.
  • Indoor workshop with an area of ​​more than 1 500 m2 for cutting log cabins using Post and Bim technology

The size of the area allows you to build up to 10 buildings at the same time. Not every manufacturer has such well equipped Work Yard in Siberia.



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Handcrafted log houses from the team Bear Log Homes

The Bear Log Homes is an established team of people from 20-25, consisting of several teams of logbuilders with extensive experience. Construction of the house of the handcrafted cabin in any technology - Russian Notch, Saddle Notch, Diamond notch, Scandinavian style and Log Post and Beam construction!


Murugov Sergey

The founder of the company "Bear Log Homes"

Ladyyshev Vasily

Master craftsmen


Bazarev Alexander

Master craftsmen

Andiyanov Edward

Master craftsmen



Mazhaev Roman

Wood carving master

IMG 20150831 125727 001

Ustinovich Marina

House designer


Murugova Maria

Representative of the company in St. Petersburg


 Construction of wooden log houses

The Bear Log Homes - is not only highly skilled logbuilders, as well as people whose work is not visible, but without which the construction of wooden log houses made of logs is impossible, they are hawkers, planers, tractor operators, crane operators, watchmen and administrators. Only a well-coordinated team can qualitatively and do your job on time.